First Virtual Hospital

for the MENA Region

MedFlow connects a global network of volunteer doctors to support on-the-ground healthcare facilities under crisis. It empowers online triage management, telehealth, and prescription management to optimize urgent treatment, giving displaced civilians control over their medical histories and ensuring physicians have the autonomy to provide informed care — no matter where they are.


Onboarded Physicians


Specialties Offered


Countries of Interest

How it Works

Medflow is designed to assist healthcare providers with specialized treatment in the MENA region. The user-types of the app are:


Patients do not create profiles. Instead, they fill out a comprehensive survey, providing essential information for their care.

Triage Coordinators

The triage coordinators manage patient information, direct it to appropriate doctors, and ensure language compatibility.


Doctors with various specializations are authorized and scheduled by triage coordinators based on patient needs and location.

Virtual Patient Care

Currently, the only way patients can receive MedFlow care is if they message the Telegram bot.


To begin, patients message the bot /start

and the bot will prompt them for their language


Once the patient language is provided the bot responds with a individualized intake URL;

and the patient is saved in our database, however, their will be no info attached to the patient until they complete the intake URL


Triage coordinator analyze patient information provided.

To match patients with doctors in the correct medical specialty based on the patient-provided doctor-gender preferences, language spoken, and location.


Doctors will see a modular spreadsheet individualized to them with patient's that match their specialty / language / locations

Doctors select patients and once selected the patient is not viewable by other doctors


Doctors can speak with the patient through the Telegram Bot and prescribe medications

Patients and Dcotors can exchange voice notes and photo's. Doctors can send Rx orders to patients with individualized QR codes that patients can take to pharmacies to fulfill their order.


Pharmacists scan the QR codes on the Doctor Provided Rx Orders

They enter in their contact information and if they provided the full perscription, some of it, and if it was completed the Rx Order will no longer be accessible to scan again till the Doctor provides a new script

Key Features

  • Multilingual support for broader accessibility
  • Secure handling of patient information
  • Efficient triage system for prompt care
  • Remote consultations with qualified doctors

Our streamlined process ensures that patients receive appropriate care efficiently, bridging geographical gaps in healthcare access.

Available Functionality

Once a patient is directed to a doctors specialization, our platform offers:

View Patient Info

Access comprehensive patient information

Schedule Lab Visits

Easily manage and schedule laboratory appointments

Take Patient Notes

Record detailed medical notes for each patient

Image Gallery

Maintain a dedicated image gallery for each patient

Prescription Management

Generate and manage drug prescription paperwork